



Valerio Berruti

Bio           Exhibitions           Works           Gallery exhibitions           News

Valerio Berruti was born in 1977 in Alba, in the region of Piedmont, where he still lives and works. After graduating from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Turin University with a degree in art criticism, in 1995 he purchased and restored a deconsecrated seventeenth-century church in Verduno for use as his studio. The artist prefers to use simple materials, employing the age-old technique of fresco painting on untreated jute canvas, sculpture, particularly in concrete or steel, and video animation to create simple images inspired by the suspended world of childhood, the time in our lives when we are all the same and everything has yet to happen. We can all recognise ourselves in his children, from whom he removes all features that make them recognisable, so that viewers project themselves into the image they see, with their own past and their own intimacy.

In 2009 Berruti was the youngest artist to participate in the 53rd Biennale in Venice, presenting a video animation composed of more than 600 frescoed drawings with music by Paolo Conte. He has also worked on important partnerships with Ryuichi Sakamoto in Japan and with Gianmaria Testa.

In 2018 Berruti began working on an animated short film co-produced with Sky Arte, La giostra di Nina, with a soundtrack by Ludovico Einaudi. The big carousel was exhibited in the Church of San Domenico in Alba in the autumn of 2018, at MAXXI in Rome in 2019, and then in the Galleria Grande at the Reggia di Venaria near Turin, while the short film premiered at the Rome Film Festival and participated in the world’s most important film festivals. On September 29, 2022, an impressive 12-meter steel sculpture depicting the minimal outline of a girl placed on an overflow fountain was inaugurated in Piazza Michele Ferrero in Alba. More recently, on May 1, 2024, the artist inaugurated his first solo exhibition in China at the Teagan Space in Youyi Bay, Beijing district.

Solo exhibitions


“Valerio Berruti. Circulating Sketch”, Teagan Space, Youyi Bay, Beijing, China



Amai, Art Square – Felissimo Museum, Kobe, Japan



The Carousel (La giostra di Nina), Galleria Grande – Reggia di Venaria, Venaria Reale, Italy

Tracce, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Turin and Verona, Italy



La giostra di Nina, MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy

Frammenti, Castello, Monticello d’Alba, Italy

Tracce, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Pietrasanta, Italy



La giostra di Nina, Chiesa di San Domenico, Alba, Italy

Endless Love, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Los Angeles, USA

Just Kids, Chiostro di Palazzo d’Accursio, Bologna, Italy



Out of Your Own, Al Blu di Prussia, Naples, Italy

Il Sentiero, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Italy



Looking for the Magic, Spazio Espositivo Ersel, Turin, Italy

Paradise Lost, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan and Verona, Italy



Nina nel Verde, Parco Hotel Byron, Forte dei Marmi, Italy



Così sia, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Pietrasanta, Italy



Dove il cielo s’attacca alla collina, Cantina Bricco Rocche, Castiglione Falletto, Italy

Il momento in cui i nostri occhi si incontrano, Spazio NonostanteMarras, Milan, Italy

Almost Blue, Spazio Helutrans, Singapore



Udaka, Nirox Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa



Maddalena, Salon Blanco, Havana, Cuba

La rivoluzione terrestre, Chiesa di San Domenico, Alba, Italy

Almost Queen, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan and Verona, Italy

There is Too Much Light Not to Believe in Light, The Belgrade City Museum, Belgrade, Serbia

Kizuna, Pola Museum Annex, Ginza, Japan



Una Sola Moltitudine, Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Italy

I Wish I Was Special, Galleria Ermanno Tedeschi, Turin and Rome, Italy



E più non dimandare, Galleria Civica, Modena, Italy



Magnificat, Keumsan Gallery, Seoul, South Korea



E più non dimandare, Il Fondaco, Bra, Italy



Se ci fosse la luna, Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin, Italy



Golgota, Esso Gallery, New York, USA

Primary, Galleria Ermanno Tedeschi, Turin, Italy

Ho meritato il tuo castigo, Galleria Officina 14, Rome, Italy

Senza più pensare, Galleria 41 Artecontemporanea, Turin, Italy



Naufragar m’è dolce…, Museo dello Zucchero, Nizza Monferrato, Italy

Vocazione, Chiesa di Sant’Agostino, Pietrasanta, Italy



Familienwertes, Galerie Markus Nohn, Frankfurt, Germany

Family Values, Galleria Spirale Arte, Verona, Italy

Brothers, Galleria Arte & Altro, Gattinara, Italy

Summertime, Galleria 41 Artecontemporanea, Turin, Italy



Sacre rappresentazioni, Galleria Spirale Arte, Milan and Pietrasanta, Italy



Saints Kids, Galleria Art & Arts, Turin, Italy

Group exhibitions


Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italy



Sensing painting. Opere dalla collezione d’arte della Fondazione CRC, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy

Identità mutevole, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Turin, Verona, Italy



Inquattro, Marcorossi artecontemporanea, Milan, Pietrasanta, Turin, Verona, Italy



Além de 2020, Arte italiana na pandemia, MAC – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Sao Paulo, Brazil



Polis, Palazzo d’Accursio, Bologna, Italy



Le spine della complessità. Arte e artisti tra globale e locale, GrandArte 2016/2017, Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco, Cuneo, Italy

Chissà se lo sai… Gli artisti di Lucio, Otto Gallery, Bologna, Italy



Mare Motus, Castello di Lipari, Lipari, Italy

Holy MisterY, Chiesa del Santo Volto, Turin, Italy



Biennale Italia-Cina, Bei Zhou, Beijing, China

Resilienze 2.0, Palazzo Saluzzo, Turin, Italy

The Intuitionist, The Drawing Center, New York, USA



Humang Among Aliens, Helutrans Artspace, Singapore



Biennale Italia-Cina, Reggia di Monza, Monza, Italy



Cabinet de dessins, Villa la Versiliana, Pietrasanta, Italy



Oltre il mito. Cavour nell’arte contemporanea, Castello Cavour, Santena, Italy



53a Biennale di Venezia, Padiglione Italia, Venice, Italy

Campolungo. L’orizzonte sensibile del Contemporaneo, Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome, Italy

The Sublime Gaiety of Art, Kunstpfad Bischofstrasse, Linz, Austria

Che cos’è la scultura moderna, Spirale Arte, Pietrasanta, Italy



XIII Biennale d’arte sacra contemporanea, Museo Staurós, Isola del Gran Sasso d’Italia, Italy

Biennale dei giovani artisti Europei e del Mediterraneo, Bari, Italy

Detour, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France



Micro-narratives, 48th October Salon, Belgrade, Serbia

The Big Show, Silas Murder Gallery, New York, USA

Art First, Facciata Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna, Italy



Crave, Row Space, London, UK

Giardino. Luoghi della piccola realtà, PAN – Palazzo delle arti, Naples, Italy

Uniforms and Costumes, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Herzliya, Israel

Cabinet des Dessins, Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France


Deck the Wall, Exit art, New York, USA

Quadriennale di Monza, Monza, Italy



Dal Profondo, Kästrich, Mainz, Germany

La via del sale, Pieve di Santa Maria, Cortemilia, Italy

Quotidiana 04, Museo Civico del Santo, Padova, Italy

Made in Italy, Limn Gallery, San Francisco, USA

Quadriennale di Roma. Anteprima, Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti, Turin, Italy



Gemine Muse, Museo di Arte Antica, Turin, Italy

Extraños niños, 3 Punts Galeria, Barcelona, Spain



Infanzie, Battistero di San Pietro, Asti, Italy



Le ombre della memoria, En Plain Air, Pinerolo, Italy

Meno trenta, Associazione Culturale Marcovaldo, Caraglio, Italy

Maze Gallery, Turin, Italy

Awards and residence

Erata Motion Pictures – International Festival of Shorts about Paintings, Finalist, San Pietroburgo, Russia

Los Angeles Cinefest, 2nd Prize, Los Angeles, USA


15th Cairo Prize, Finalist, Palazzo della Permanente, Milan, Italy


Luci d’Artista Prize, Awarded with the installation “Ancora una volta”, Turin, Italy


Nirox Foundation Residency, Johannesburg, South Africa


Youkobo Art Space Residency, Tokyo, Japan


Area Progetto, Galleria Civica, Modena, Italy


Artists Residency Program, Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris, France


Workshop with Stefano Arienti, Fondazione Spinola Banna, Poirino, Italy


Residency Program, I.S.C.P. International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York, NY, USA


Pagine Bianche d’Autore Prize, Winner for the cover of regional telephone directory in Piedmont, Italy

Premio Celeste, 1st Prize, Italy


4th Cairo Prize, Finalist, Palazzo della Permanente, Milan, Italy

Fresco and Salty Award, Amfilochia, Greece


Gallery exhibitions