



It seems like yesterday

Verona, 18 May – 3 August 2024                                                                                                                                                                                       |

Like yesterday.
A Trip on Thirty Years of Contemporary Art

18 May – 3 August 2024


Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 18/A, 37121 Verona, VR

Tuesday – Saturday
10am – 12:30pm / 3pm – 7pm
Sunday by appointment only

For any information:

+39 045 597753


Marcorossi artecontemporanea celebrates, in 2024, thirty years of activity with two collective exhibitions, the first scheduled for May, the second for November, bringing together the works of the artists who have contributed to the birth and growth of the gallery. Simultaneously held in the galleries of Milan, Turin, and Verona, and in August in Pietrasanta.



Marcorossi artecontemporanea is pleased to announce the thirtieth anniversary of the art gallery, which opened its doors in November 1994 in Milan, with a solo exhibition by Medhat Shafik, and subsequently, in 1996 in Pietrasanta, in 2000 in Verona, in 2009 in Turin, and in 2023 in Rome. Over the years, the gallery has promoted the work of selected artists not only for the intrinsic value of their research but also for the quality of the works and for the construction of an original style, far from the trends of the moment.


To celebrate this milestone, the gallery presents two important collective exhibitions that gather the fruit of three decades of commitment and serious work in the world of contemporary art. An original journey through different artworks and artistic visions that have shaped the identity of the gallery. Thanks to the precious support of artists, collectors, critics, and art enthusiasts, Marcorossi artecontemporanea has carved out a prominent role in the Italian art scene over time.


The first exhibition, scheduled for May, presents the works of twelve artists who have most characterized the first fifteen years of the gallery’s activity: Gianfranco Asveri, Sergi Barnils, Valerio Berruti, Luca Caccioni, Tommaso Cascella, Aldo Damioli, Enzo Esposito, Giosetta Fioroni, Franco Guerzoni, Paolo Maggis, Joan Hernandez Pijuan, and Medhat Shafik. A careful look at the beginnings and the early experiences of the gallery, collecting the work of the protagonists of this first season, many of whom are still firmly tied to the gallery’s current program. Each artist is represented by selected works divided into the three exhibition venues in Milan, Turin, and Verona.


The second exhibition, scheduled for November, continues the anniversary celebrations by giving space to another thirteen artists, those who have most characterized the gallery’s more recent path, shaping its current identity: Arcangelo, Matteo Basilé, Riccardo De Marchi, Ivan De Menis, Marco Gastini, Rune Guneriussen, Paolo Icaro, Mirco Marchelli, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Emiliano Ponzi, The Bounty Killart, Marco Tirelli, and Paolo Ventura. In this case too, each artist is represented by significant works, present in the three venues, many of which come from the gallery’s private collection. The two collective exhibitions offer, as a whole, the unprecedented and unique opportunity to pay homage to the gallery’s history starting from the countless and precious artistic collaborations that have taken place over three decades and will be accompanied by a volume with a text by art critic Alberto Fiz, who has followed the gallery’s evolution over the years.

For any information